
Plantar nuestra iglesia… otra vez

Plantar nuestra iglesia… otra vez

En marzo de 2020, nuestra planta de iglesia de 18 meses se acercaba a un centenar de personas en asistencia semanal y estábamos considerando mudarla a nuestro primer edificio… Y luego, llegó Covid.

Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom

The First Amendment of The United States Constitution established religious freedom for all Americans. Throughout the years, the courts have upheld this freedom. The Wesleyan Church’s interest in religious freedom is self-evident. This site exists to

Virtual Good Friday Reflections Service

Virtual Good Friday Reflections Service

This virtual Good Friday service will allow you to reflect on emotions and thoughts of those immediately connected with Jesus during his arrest and death. What would be your emotions and thoughts if you were in their sandals?



These wellbeing resources can help all of us persevere through these challenging times. 

We will continue to monitor and add more helpful resources in the coming days.

NextGen Coronavirus Brainstorm

NextGen Coronavirus Brainstorm

Many of us are wondering how to reach the people God has called us to pastor and serve. We want to be here to support you, so we’ve created a short 6-minute tutorial to show you how to use reach your people via Facebook Live using Zoom video.

Follow 2019 Resources

Follow 2019 Resources

Choose from our Follow 2019 Promo resources to invite the youth in your congregation and community to say “yes” to FOLLOW! These resources extend a compelling call to your congregation to engage your youth to come and experience MORE at FOLLOW.