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Free resources for unleashing the church’s mission.

We believe the local church’s greatest mission is making and multiplying disciples. For this purpose, we curate theologically Wesleyan and unapologetically holistic resources motivated to move people from making decisions to trust Christ to actively following Jesus in close discipleship communities.

What kind of resources can be submitted?

We’re looking for a variety of free, original resources including: sermon series, ministry how-to’s, strategies, training, ministerial preparation, creative elements, and practical helps for growing in your Christian faith.

Your Wesleyan resource team carefully curates for theology and holistic application that are free, legal, and reproducible resources for the local church. Most resources can be downloaded or streamed (i.e. images, videos, PDFs, PowerPoint, documents, and more). Submit your free, original resources using this form.

Please ensure you are the owner or can identify the original owner of all materials before submitting. For more information please see our copyright statement.

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