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Follow 2019 Resources

Follow 2019 Resources

Choose from our Follow 2019 Promo resources to invite the youth in your congregation and community to say “yes” to FOLLOW! These resources extend a compelling call to your congregation to engage your youth to come and experience MORE at FOLLOW. 

Follow 2019 Resources

Follow 2019 Resources

Choose from our Follow 2019 Promo resources to invite the youth in your congregation and community to say “yes” to FOLLOW! These resources extend a compelling call to your congregation to engage your youth to come and experience MORE at FOLLOW. 

The Gathering 2019

The Gathering 2019

Education and Clergy Development is honored to make available the audio and video resources from The Gathering 2019.

Supplemental Membership Materials

Supplemental Membership Materials

This resource was adapted from The Wesleyan Church’s denominational membership guidelines. The resource provides documents adapted by various local Wesleyan churches, which can be used for your annual renewal of membership.

SKETCH: Big Picture Biblical Narrative

SKETCH: Big Picture Biblical Narrative

“SKETCH: Big Picture Biblical Narrative” is a teaching tool to guide discussions regarding the Bible towards a biblical narrative framework. SKETCH serves as an outline of God’s story, allowing for much flexibility and creativity.

Greater Love

Greater Love

Greater Love: An Invitation to Sacred Friendship: A 6-session Bible study with DVD and study guide.