Kingdom Force, UNLEASHED
Filled with the Holy Spirit, we are the movement of The Wesleyan Church – God’s Kingdom Force. Unleashed.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, we are the movement of The Wesleyan Church – God’s Kingdom Force. Unleashed.
A “Reproducing” Assessment Tool to help assess your church! Download this 5-level Reproducing Assessment Tool today!
Are you and your church ready for reopening? We want to help you, so we are sharing this resource with 4-Ways Your Church Can Reopen After COVID-19.
Video, video, video! One thing COVID-19 has done for those of us with a message — is make us Video Content Creators. In this resource, we are sharing a few resources to help you become your best on video and webcams.
Quarantine life can be challenging and sometimes BORING! We want to help you stay engaged with your family and have some fun while living the quarantine life. Here are fun and creative ideas to make the quarantine life a great time of family bonding.
How is your church serving kids, students, and families during this time? We’ve curated a list of ministry ideas that local churches are now doing to continue serving kids, students, and families in their zip codes.
How is your church serving kids, students, and families during this time? We’ve curated a list of apps and websites that can help you serve them while you aren’t able to meet physically.
Many of us are wondering how to reach the people God has called us to pastor and serve. We want to be here to support you, so we’ve created a short 6-minute tutorial to show you how to use reach your people via Facebook Live using Zoom video.
With a deep love of the Spanish language, Josh Needler thought for sure that God would call him to minister long-term in another part of the world.
“If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new! All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between us and himself, and God gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we can
We are so excited to share the “There is More” Message Series with you. In this resource, you will find access to the “There is More” 3-week message series on Follow 2019’s theme.
Despite their broken pasts, God drew Art and Nellie together and brought them to a new life and purpose.
We are so excited to officially “launch” the Follow 2019 Youth Conference, and want to give you some resources to make your registration process a little easier.
An immigrant herself, Liz wanted to minister to others who knew the challenges of migrating to another country.
Choose from our Follow 2019 Promo resources to invite the youth in your congregation and community to say “yes” to FOLLOW! These resources extend a compelling call to your congregation to engage your youth to come and experience MORE at FOLLOW.
Use these Facebook promo graphics to invite the youth in your congregation and community to attend our denominations largest event, FOLLOW 2019 Wesleyan Youth Convention – There Is More.
Use these printable promo graphics to invite the youth in your congregation and community to attend our denominations largest event, FOLLOW 2019 Wesleyan Youth Convention – There Is More.
Use these promo videos and graphics to invite the youth in your congregation and community to attend our denominations largest event, FOLLOW 2019 Wesleyan Youth Convention – There Is More.
Kim Lawson felt a debilitating pain in her body that would affect the life of her whole family. As she and her husband, Bill, prayed for healing God led them on a journey to a deeper blessing for Kim and her community.
After experiencing burnout, Pastor Dave Mason nearly walked away from ministry. Hear the story of how God restored his health, family, and passion back to where his call began.
The difference Landen Schappacher has made in the lives of his family members, school and community is having a multigenerational impact.
Use these Instagram promo graphics to invite the youth in your congregation and community to attend our denominations largest event, FOLLOW 2019 Wesleyan Youth Convention – There Is More.
General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt gives thanks for The Wesleyan Church, sharing stories of God’s transforming love at work this year.
“The Chase” is a 6-week sermon series that includes sermon recordings (audio and video), slides, research, notes, graphics, bumper videos, and small group materials.
We invite you to use this video in your local church as we celebrate our history and look forward to what God does next! Through Him, we are Made New!
Many of us are wondering how to reach the people God has called us to pastor and serve. We want to be here to support you, so we’ve created a short 6-minute tutorial to show you how to use reach your people via Facebook Live using Zoom video.
“Battlefront” is a 4-week sermon series that includes sermon recordings (audio and video), slides, research, notes, graphics, bumper videos, and small group materials.
The Christian Year service is the culmination of a year spent in the life of Christ that will help your church experience the fullness of the Church Year.
“Trepidation” is a package of sermon helps in the form of graphics and a bumper video for a sermon helping people to have hope in the midst of fear.
“Thessalonica” is a 6-week sermon series that takes us through the book of Thessalonians showing us a model of excellence: faith, hope, and love.
Christmas: The Gift is Waiting is a bumper/intro video plus graphics that can be used for a Christmas-related sermon series or event.
After Chase’s transforming experience while being mentored, he received a unique call to plant a unified community in his historically divided city.