Church Multiplication

Many believers struggle to share their faith with their friends because they worry about rejection or have a lack of confidence. MICRO helps you create safe spaces to talk with friends about Jesus.

Ministry Planning Worksheets

Ministry Planning Worksheets

Who is making disciples in our church? How many disciples are multiplying our church? Where are we a transforming presence by disciples making disciples? Use this worksheet to build a strategy!



“Unleashed” is a 6-week sermon series that includes sermon recordings (audio and video), slides, research, notes, graphics, a bumper video, and small group materials.



“Impact: More Than a Church Movement” is a 4-week sermon series that includes sermon recordings (audio and video), slides, research, notes, graphics, bumper videos, and small group materials.

Essentials Training

Essentials Training

Essentials is a 2-day pre-launch equipping experience for church planters, spouses of church planters, and core members of launch teams. The Essentials environment is designed to provide you with practical training and productive peer resourcing.