Drawing from his book, “Home Run: Learn God’s Game Plan for Life and Leadership,” Pastor Kevin Myers adapts his life lessons to children in a five-week parenting series.
Home Plate: Connect – Love God First
First Base: Character – Love Yourself
Second Base: Community – Love Others
Third Base: Competence – Love What You Do
Week 1 – “Home Plate: Connect (Love God)” – To win home plate, kids need a connection with God. It takes intentional time, intentional talk, and intentional truth. What do you want for your kids? What are you doing well? What needs intentional change? Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Week 2 – “First Base: Character (Love Yourself)” – What rules your life? What rules your kids? If we’re ruled by discipline without emotion, we’re inhuman. If we’re ruled by emotion without discipline, we’re immature. Ruling by self-control equals emotional maturity. Learn to rise above the rule of sin, selfishness, and immaturity. Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26
Week 3 – “Second Base: Relationally Capable Kids (Love Others)” – Have Respect. (Value people). Show Compassion. (You can value people without embracing their values.) Make Friends. (Big circle and little circle friends.) Where are you being casual with relationally critical things? Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12
Week 4 – “Third Base: Competence (Love What You Do)” – Self-worth is something God gives you and you protect. “Work-worth” is something Gods gives you and you pioneer. Raise competent kids to love what they do by discovering what they’re good at (through gifting), advancing them in their skills (through training), and celebrating their achievements with God. What is one thing you need to keep doing with your kids? What is one thing you need to start doing with your kids? Scripture: Exodus 31:1-6
Week 5 – “Courageous Parenting Decisions” – Pastor Miles Welch challenges parents to make three decisions: Guide your kid’s heart. Don’t carry your kid’s load. Release your kids from your fear. Teaching includes a handout on the stages of a child’s life and the load parents and kids should each carry. Scripture: Proverbs 4:23, Galatians 6:2-5, Proverbs 28:1