EDEN IS OPEN EP features three contemporary congregational Christmas songs linked together by theme, history and a sense of cinematic drama and biblical imagination.

Each places the listener in the middle of the live action on Christmas Eve, time traveling to the epicenter of incarnational reality—Jesus Christ and Bethlehem.

Each directs our attention to the stunning paradox and inconceivable humility of the God of creation—the most majestic and highest of all—becoming human, experiencing hunger, thirst and wounding for our sake.

And each was birthed in songwriting retreats where the seminary and the local church met to release the poets and resurrect the lost and missing songs of the Church.

This download is a collection of the MP3 files, chord charts, and lead sheets for the songs on Eden is Open.

Thanks to Josh Lavender, Trinity Wesleyan worship pastor, for sharing!

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  • Music (.mp3)
  • Chord Charts (.pdf)
  • Lead Sheets (.pdf,. docx)