As followers of Jesus, the things we have in common are much greater than what sets us apart.  For thousands of years, Christians have agreed up certain elements of faith and practice that are central to who we are.  These things bind us together and help us live as the Church.

Unfortunately, many Christians today feel disconnected from all this.  They know there should be a greater depth and richness to their faith than what they’re experiencing. They just don’t know how to find it.

That’s why Roots was created.  In this 12-week small group journey, you will walk through some of the ancient, foundational teachings of Christianity.  It has been divided into three categories:  the practices, the principles, and the priorities of the Christian faith.

It will start with practices because our habits are what form us.  These practices include things like scripture, prayer, worship and confession.

Then it will move on to the principles discussing the story of the Bible, touching on the key doctrines that are held.

Finally, some of the priorities of our faith will be explored.  These are the virtues that foster a vibrant life with God – things like faith, holiness, justice, and mission.

Click Here to Access “Roots” Session Videos

We would like to thank The Ransom Church for sharing this resource.