Wesleyan Publishing House has developed these free discipleship resources for the local church. These resources are ideal for nurturing spiritual formation church-wide or in small-groups. The Wesleyan Church seeks to support and enable shepherds who have been called to make flocks of disciples, to shepherd them, and lead them into a deeper Christlikeness.
This Shepherding Resources includes: Group Leader’s Guide and Sermon Notes
About the Book
What does this hope look like today? How do faithful followers remain in hope, even when their situations demand despair? In Reclaiming Hope, Dr. Ed Love practically and relevantly explores what it means to put our hope in Christ. Discover the significance of why hope is less an emotion and more a virtue, how it is essential to building character, and how it can only be realized by relying upon God’s strength rather than our own will.
DR. ED LOVE serves as the Director of Church Multiplication for The Wesleyan Church. He lives in central Indiana with his wife, Emily, and three children, Jennah, Josiah, and Micah. He is the author of Fear Not.