Faith App: Putting Feet to our Faith” is a 5-week sermon series that includes sermon recordings (audio and video), slides, research, notes, graphics, bumper videos, and small group materials.

  • Week 1 – Faith App…Brave Faith (James 1)
  • Week 2 – Faith App…Living Faith (James 2:12-13)
  • Week 3 – Faith App…Spoken Faith (James 3)
  • Week 4 – Faith App…Humble Faith (James 4:10)
  • Week 5 – Faith App…Healing Faith (James 5)

You are invited to download all of these files and customize them for use at your own church.

We’d like to thank NewLife Church for sharing this resource.

  • Sermon recordings (.mp3 & .mp4)
  • Sermon notes and slides (.pdf, .pub)
  • Graphics (.png)
  • Small Group materials (.docx)