Scholarship Details
Scholarship Amount: $1000
Number of Scholarships: One
Nomination Deadline: May 25
Students must be nominated by their religion chair at one of the Wesleyan Colleges/Universities. Each religion chair may make one nomination.
The student should preferably be preparing for his/her senior year. If necessary, internship awards can be made for those preparing to enter their junior year.
The student should be a full-time student in the fall semester following the internship.
The student must be a Wesleyan student participating in the denominational loan/grant program administered by our office.
The internship must be full-time for at least 10-12 weeks, in a learning relationship with professional ministry person.
Preference will be given to students doing the internship at a Wesleyan church or ministry venue.
Preference will be given to students with greater financial need who would be less likely to be able to do an internship without this assistance.
Each of the five Wesleyan Schools and the Wesleyan Seminary Foundation at Asbury Theological Seminary will nominate one student to be considered for the scholarship. Of these 6 nominees, one student will be selected to be the recipient of a $1000 scholarship payable upon the successful completion of the internship as verified by the Religion Chair.
More information about this scholarship can be obtained by emailing ECD.
A Glimpse at the Life & Legacy of Robert K. Murphy
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!'” (Isaiah 52:7).
Surely these words of the prophet apply to the life of Robert K. Murphy. For twenty five years, Bob stood tall in the pulpit. He stood tall before men because he bowed himself low before God.
Our Lord once said, “Whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s the same shall save it” (Mark 8:35). Bob learned early in his ministry the secret of finding through losing. Although serious illness invaded his life in his very first year of the pastorate and remained with him as his constant companion, he used the broken strands of his own health to weave together a beautiful collage of hope. Like Paul, he was able to say, “When I am weak, then I am strong” (II Corinthians 12:10). He inspired each life he touched to greater heights of courage, commitment, and conquest. Although he knew the loneliness of the sick room, he himself was never alone. Jesus was as real to him as to any man I know.
The three great loves of his life were his Lord, the Lord’s work, his wife and family, and his friends in the Lord, especially his ministerial brethren. He held pastors in high regard and young ministers were always given a large place in his heart. He made every effort possible to help them and encourage them in the work.
The memory of this man cannot be confined to a shallow grave. He is engraved in the minds of men and in the hearts of his friends. If you wish to see this man’s monument, look around you. I am a Christian today and a minister of the gospel largely as a result of my big brother’s influence. I stand before you as a living monument to my brother’s faith. Others can bear this same witness.
We weep at our loss, but we rejoice at his gain.
–Mark Murphy