The Wesleyan Church has periodically commissioned committees and task forces to research current moral and social concerns and articulate the Church’s response to them. Select statements resulting from the work of these groups have been combined together with position statements adopted by General Conferences and rulings by the General Superintendents to create this publication of the Church’s response to contemporary issues.
This booklet is a compilation of The Wesleyan Church’s position statements on these current moral and social concerns and includes the following topics:
Christian Citizenship
Government Duties, Public Schools and Prayer, Religion in Public Life, War, Peace, Military Service, Lord’s Day, God’s Name and Judicial Oath
Human Rights
Equal Rights, Women in Leadership, Racism, Immigration and Global Human Trafficking
Christian Stewardship
Sharing Our Wealth, Creation Care, Use of Time and Entertainment, Poverty, Hunger and Gambling
Marriage and Family
Marriage, Family Living, Divorce, Remarriage, Divorce and the Minister, Divorce and Church Membership, Domestic Violence and Children in Crisis
Sanctity of Life
Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia, Removal of Life-Support Systems, Suicide, Capital Punishment, Care of the Body and Substance Abuse, Addictions, Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Drug Abuse
Human Sexuality
Sexual Purity, Pornography and Obscenity, Homosexuality, Ministering to Homosexuals, Same Sex Marriage, Transgender Issues and HIV/AIDS
Dangers to Spiritual Life
Lodges and Secret Societies and Religious Cults