
The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation exists to advance seminary education in The Wesleyan Church by providing encouragement, care for and advising to Wesleyan seminarians in their call and education/formation process in order to facilitate their wellbeing and long-term engagement with The Wesleyan Church.

Wesleyan Seminary Foundation Personnel

  • Dr. Harry Wood, Chair, Wesleyan Seminary Foundation. Email
  • Dr. Dave Durst, Campus Director, Wesleyan Seminary Foundation at Asbury Theological Seminary. Email
  • Rev. Joel Liechty, Campus Director, Wesleyan Seminary Foundation at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University. Email

Asbury Theological Seminary

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation on the Campus of Asbury Theological Seminary

If you are thinking of going to Asbury Seminary, make sure you contact us!

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church. In our contractual affiliation with Asbury Theological Seminary, we act as a liaison between The Wesleyan Church, our Wesleyan students, and the Seminary.

Campus Director, Dave Durst

Mail: 215 E. College St, Wilmore, KY 40390-1122

Phone: 859-553-3271 Email: wesleyanseminaryfoundation@gmail.com

General Information

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church. In our contractual affiliation with Asbury Theological Seminary, we act as a liaison between The Wesleyan Church, our Wesleyan students, and the Seminary.

We endeavor to foster the identity and the integrity of Wesleyan students through spiritual care, financial aid, fellowship, service opportunities, recruitment, and graduate placement assistance.

Rev. Russ Gunsalus, The Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, serves as the General Director of The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation. The Campus Director of The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation in Wilmore, Kentucky is Dr. Dave Durst.

W.S.F. Building and Guest Rooms

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation building at Asbury Theological Seminary exists to provide a quality facility for the benefit of the Asbury Wesleyan Community (AWC) in Wilmore. The. building houses our offices, as well as a kitchen, fellowship hall, and lounge area, and two guests rooms. Functions that directly serve the formation and development of Wesleyan seminarians are encouraged and require no rental fee. Examples of such rent-free use include but are not limited to: AWC Student leadership team meetings, AWC fellowship and meals, Wesleyan student study sessions, Global Partners student information meetings, etc.

Examples of rent-free overnight room visits include but are not limited to: district superintendents visiting for the purpose of relationship building or pastor recruitment, district or HQ personnel visiting to meet with students, a Wesleyan church coming to interview a potential pastoral candidate. All requests for rent-free AWC use are subject to approval. The guests rooms are available at reasonable rates for guests of our students, students from other locations taking short term courses here on the Kentucky campus, and others needing lodging. The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation and The Wesleyan Church reserve the right to refuse use of the facility. Questions can be directed to Education and Clergy Development at 317-774-3912.


The W.S.F maintains a small collection of Wesleyan literature, including general reports, conference journals and periodicals. These are here for the benefit of our students and guests.

Financial Assistance

The W.S.F. administers the Wesleyan Loan/Grant program for students preparing for ordination. After a student’s education at Asbury is completed, loan/Grant funds are forgiven at a rate of one fifth per year, for the five years following graduation, where the student serves The Wesleyan Church in an approved category of ministry.

There are a number of other Honor Scholarships and Supplemental Aid Scholarships which are granted each year through our office. We maintain two funds to help meet financial emergencies which arise in the lives of our students. One is The Brannon Loan Fund, which was established as a memorial to Rev. Gerald C. Brannon, a 1959 Wesleyan graduate of Asbury, who was drowned on August 20, 1959. This fund provides small loans to help through crisis situations.

The Campbell Memorial (S.H.A.R.E.) Fund was established after the death of Rev. Dale Campbell, a former W.S.F. director, who was especially interested in meeting the emergency needs of students. Repayment of these funds is not expected. The only source for keeping the fund going is through the gifts of those who see the need for this kind of assistance.

For details on any of these forms of financial assistance, please contact our office.

Fellowship Among Wesleyans at Asbury

The Asbury Wesleyan Community is a student run body which provides fellowship for our fifty or so students and their families. There is a regular schedule of pot luck dinners, men’s breakfasts, picnics and social events which foster relationship among our people. Many life-long friendships have begun here.

Location for Pastoral Retreat, Sabbatical or Research

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation, on the campus of Asbury Theological Seminary, has two guest rooms available for a small fee. The rooms are supplied with all the normal amenities of a hotel room. In conjunction with the guest rooms we have kitchen facilities and an open area that can be used for study purposes. We make this available to Wesleyans who would like to have an inexpensive place to study or do research. The seminary library would be available for use, as well. Depending upon the time of year this opportunity would include Asbury Seminary and Asbury College chapel services and interaction with students and faculty. If you would like more information please contact Dave Durst, Campus Director, at 859-553-3271 or wesleyanseminaryfoundation@gmail.com

Asbury Advanced Standing for CCCU Schools

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation on the Campus of Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

If you are thinking of going to Seminary, make sure you contact us!

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church.

Campus Director, Joel Liechty
Mail: Wesley Seminary
4201 S Washington Street
ATTN: Joel Liechty
Marion IN 46953
Phone: 317-774-3914 Email: liechtyj@wesleyan.org

General Information

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church. The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation at Wesley Seminary at IWU was established in 2015 in order to provide care and support to the increasing number of Wesleyans pursuing seminary education at IWU.

We endeavor to foster the identity and the integrity of Wesleyan students through spiritual care, financial aid, fellowship, service opportunities, recruitment, and graduate placement assistance.

Rev. Russ Gunsalus, The Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, serves as the General Director of The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation. The Campus Director of The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation in Wilmore, Kentucky is Rev. Joel Liechty

Financial Assistance

The W.S.F. administers the Wesleyan Loan/Grant program for students preparing for ordination. After a student’s education at Wesley Seminary is completed, loan/Grant funds are forgiven at a rate of one fifth per year, for the five years following graduation, where the student serves The Wesleyan Church in an approved category of ministry.

For details on financial assistance, please contact Joel Liechty at liechtyj@wesleyan.org.

Approved Seminaries and other Seminarians

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation includes all Wesleyan seminarians. Many attend Wesley Seminary @ IWU and Asbury but a significant number attend our approved seminaries and more. Our goal is to provide support and encouragement to everyone.

If you are in seminary or thinking of going to Seminary, make sure you contact us!

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church.

Email: hfwood@aol.com

General Information

The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation (W.S.F.) was established to assist students in their preparation for ministry in The Wesleyan Church. The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation was established in 2015 in order to provide care and support to the increasing number of Wesleyans pursuing seminary education at a variety of seminaries.

We endeavor to foster the identity and the integrity of Wesleyan students through spiritual care, financial aid, fellowship, service opportunities, recruitment, and graduate placement assistance.

Rev. Russ Gunsalus, The Executive Director of Education and Clergy Development, serves as the General Director of The Wesleyan Seminary Foundation.

Financial Assistance

The W.S.F. administers the Wesleyan Loan/Grant program for students preparing for ordination at our approved seminaries. After a student’s education at an approved seminary is completed, loan/Grant funds are forgiven at a rate of one fifth per year, for the five years following graduation, where the student serves The Wesleyan Church in an approved category of ministry.

For details on financial assistance, please contact Joel Liechty.

Wesleyan Seminary Foundation FAQs

I’m a student at Asbury Theological Seminary. Who do I contact for more information?

Contact David Durst by email

I’m a student at Wesley Seminary at IWU. Who do I contact for more information?

Contact Joel Liechty by email

I’m a seminarian at an Approved Seminary (not Asbury Theological or Wesley Seminary at IWU) or another seminary. Who do I contact for more information?

Contact Dr. Wood by email

How do I book a room at the WSF Building at Asbury?

Reservations and questions about booking rooms can be directed to Education and Clergy Development at 317-774-3912.

I’m a Wesleyan Pastor. Can I utilize the WSF Building rooms at Asbury for an overnight retreat?

Yes, you can. This is a great place to get away, utilize the library at ATS, and enjoy quaint Wilmore. Reservations and questions about booking rooms can be directed to Education and Clergy Development at 317-774-3912. Room prices are affordable (if further assistance is needed, please contact Joel Liechty).

Is there a time when all Seminary Students get together in one place?

Yes, traditionally a Seminary Day is held once every 1-2 years at Wesleyan Church Headquarters. Contact your campus director or Education and Clergy Development at 317-774-3912 for the next Seminary Day.

I need help determining what courses I need for ordination. Who do I contact?

You may contact your campus director or Education and Clergy Development. Your academic ordination transcripts are managed and approved by Education and Clergy Development and we are always glad to help advise you in your progress.

Is there financial aid available to Wesleyan seminarians?

Yes, the primary source of financial aid is the Wesleyan Ministerial Student Loan-Grant. You can find more information here. You may also contact your campus director for more information about this program or other potential scholarships.

I’m pursuing a terminal degree and hope to teach some day. Is there any financial aid available?

Possibly. Contact Joel Liechty about possible faculty development aid.

Who do I contact about Wesleyan discounts at Wesley Seminary at IWU.

Contact Wesley Seminary at IWU for possible Wesleyan discounts. This is administered by the seminary. If you are looking for information on Wesleyan Ministerial Student Loan-Grants, go here.

Does the Asbury Wesleyan Community have any further financial aid?

There are some additional scholarships available for Wesleyan students at Asbury. Contact your campus director for more information.